
不要让完美挡住了美好的道路。Nimmergicks也是一样,差一点就命中,危险识别,良好的捕捉报告。很多人都说,是的,但这并不是完美的,因为你会得到一些人报告的事情并不是那么好,如果,我们如何测量它是如何,我们如何确保他们的质量,等等等等,他们只是继续对其缺陷令人作呕。你生活中什么是完美的?你开的车。它是完美的吗?它有过问题吗?如果不完美,你为什么还要开车过去?对吧?这样做很疯狂,对吧? Don't let perfect stand in the way of good. All right, there's a lot of good things you can be doing. Avoid those false binaries. Either it has to be perfect or we can't do it right. That's a false binary. Avoid those things. Don't let perfect stand in the way of good. Do good. Find what benefits you and everyone's going to be different. Different things are going to benefit different programs for different reasons. It's important that you try and then see how it, if it affects your outcomes in a positive or negative way. Just don't let perfect stand in the way of good. That's the message today.